RIM has launched the new beta version of Twitter and Facebook for Blackberry version 2.0 in the Beta Zone. Stable version of Twitter for Blackberry app was updated to v1.1 recently, had new features like geo location and push notifications. This version includes new features like combined search results and new nav bar in twitter. Facebook app now supports Blackberry 5.0 devices and includes new features and performance enhancements.
Twitter app gets new features like combined search, that lets you search for tweets, people and trends in the search bar. In BlackBerry OS 6 phones, universal search can also be used to search these things. There is also a new compose tweet button in the nav bar to post a new tweet easily.
Facebook app has new features that include, visual notification that lets you know when friends are replying in chat, search for contact to begin a chat, view mutual friends and friends list from the info tab, Save, call or mail your friends, from the PINs, phone numbers and email addresses that are on Facebook wall or info.
The Facebook app also includes some of the performance enhancements in chat message delivery notifications, Facebook chat connection and online contacts list loading time.
Beta version of Twitter and Facebook apps could be downloaded from the Blackberry Beta Zone.
Source: Blackberry Blog 1,2
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